User Templates

Automatic user settings in Dynamics with User Templates
User Templates is an extension to the Authorization Management module of the basic subscription to automatically maintain other user-related (security) settings in addition to object authorizations.


Simplify your IT management

With templates, you determine how you want records to be populated, according to your business needs. This automates any manual effort required to configure user (security) settings, such as when a new user needs to be created for a new employee, or when the role of an existing user has changed within the company.

For example, if your company has sales employees, Authorization Box - User Templates allows you to easily authorize new sales department users as sales employees in Business Central. All authorization sets required for salespeople are then automatically assigned to the new users. In addition to authorizations, User Templates also allows you to automatically create a record for each new sales associate in the Sales Associate table in Business Central.

Want to know more? Request a demo. 

Benefits of User Templates

Automating user settings

Fully tailored to your business needs

All user settings in one template per role

Convenience and saving valuable time for IT administrators

Continuous Monitoring

With the Continuous Monitoring module you (1) have a grip on authorizations, (2) control risks and (3) improve the quality of information security. Indispensable elements for the continuity of your organization and the confidence of your stakeholders.

Discover the module

Central Management

With the Central Management module, you can centrally maintain the setup of the Authorization Box for multiple databases from a single database. The database from which you do the setup is the “parent” and this database can be linked to one or more other databases. The linked databases are the “children”.

Centraal Beheer

Discover our complete package

Our authorization software consists of the Authorization Box, Field Security app and Field Validation app. This software helps you set up, manage and monitor your authorizations.

Authorization Box

Assign, manage, and monitor authorizations

Authorization Box is the authorization solution for Microsoft Dynamics, providing a more manageable and controllable Microsoft Dynamics environment. Thanks to Authorization Box, you leave the time-consuming and complex authorization process behind.

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Field Security

Authorize on field - dataset level

With our Field Security app you can optimize the standard permissions structure at field, filter and action level, which greatly improves the security and internal control of your Dynamics 365 Business Central application.

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Field Validation

Field validation on user level

The Field Validation app allows you to flexibly set up business rules for your data quality. With this app you can ensure that all your data complies with the rules you have set before this data can be used in further processes and transactions.

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