1 December 2022

Approval of authorizations: Who does and is allowed to do what?

Are you "in control" with authorizations within Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central? Do you know how authorizations are requested and granted at your company? In practice, you often see that a user indicates that he or she cannot do something that he or she thinks is necessary, but is that actually the case? What happens to such a report? Are the rights simply added or is there a procedure for this?

Microsoft Dynamics does not have a solution for this by default. Permission sets are linked directly to the user and that's it. Any documentation and approval will take place outside the system.

Grant and revoke permissions with Authorization Box

The Authorization Box is used for granting and revoking permissions in Microsoft Dynamics. Within the Authorization Box, permissions are assigned at organization role level (job level).

The appropriate authorization sets are linked per organization role. Granting or revoking these is recorded via authorization requests. Here we recommend using approvals. This works as follows: an authorization request is made and recorded by, for example, the application manager. This request is then approved by one or more persons, for example, the controller or the department manager. Only after everyone has approved are the authorizations processed to Microsoft Dynamics.

It is possible to set up multiple approvers per organization role. It is also possible to appoint specific approvers at organization role level. This may be desirable, for example, for organization roles to which critical authorizations are linked.

In the approval request, all information is available regarding the change that takes place after approval. For example, it is easy to see which privileges have been granted or revoked after processing. Of course, an approval request can also be rejected where a comment can be entered so that the reason for rejection is clear to the applicant.

Authorizations within organization roles and groups

User management is the most important part of authorization management. However, the process of "Authorization Framework Management" is just as important. The Authorization Framework consists of organization roles, authorization groups and company groups. With the Authorization Box, in addition to approval of authorization requests, approval can be set for changes within authorization set groups, business groups and organization roles. The importance of this is not always recognized. We explain it below.

Once you have the Authorization Box up and running, users are linked to one or more organization roles. Changing an organization role directly affects all users with this role. For example, after the authorization set SUPER is added to the organization role 'Buyer', all users with this organization role immediately receive this right in Dynamics NAV or Dynamics 365 Business Central. With an approval (and thus control) of the authorizations, errors can be prevented. The same goes for changing an authorization group. If this group is linked to an organization role, then the change will be processed immediately on the linked users.

Finally, the organization group. Organization roles are assigned to users either by company or company group or not. If a company is added to a company group it will affect users with assigned organization roles for that company group. Rights are thus distributed to an additional company requiring approval.

Benefits Authorization Box

With Authorization Box you save a lot of time, not only on setting up authorizations, but also on maintaining the authorization sets and functions in Microsoft Dynamics

All functionality related to approval within the Authorization Box listed for you once again:

  • Approval configurable on:
    • Authorization requests
    • Organization roles
    • Authorization set groups
    • Business groups
  • Approvers adjustable per part
  • Number of approvers configurable by component
  • Number of approvers adjustable at organization role level
  • Approvers adjustable at organization role level


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